Submission of Articles
General Information
Please submit your manuscript or other content to SOL Editorial Office.All submissions have to be sent by e-mail to
All articles are subject to peer-review. Occasionally, invited Letters, Essays or Reviews may not be subject to external peer-review.
Please provide names and contact details of at least two proposed reviewers.
Review Process
After a successfull submission, the manuscript will be assigned to an editor and the author will be notified whether the manuscript is of relevance to SOL and if it has been sent out for peer-review. Each manuscript is subject to a strict peer-review by two reviewers, but additional reviewers may be requested by the assigned editor. Submitting authors will be notified about the reviewers recommendations. The assigned editor has the final decision on reviewed manuscripts. The aim is to publish articles online in the order in which they are accepted.Reviewers of SOL accept and follow the COPE Ethical Guidelines.
Download SOL Reviewer's Form.
Submission Requirements
Cover Letter: Should include a statement why you think your paper should be published in SOL. Should include the names and contact details of at least two proposed reviewers.Manuscript: Should be submitted as a Microsoft Word-Document according to APA 7th edition.
Illustrations: Digital files should be 300 dpi or higher; sized to fit manuscript pages; numbered, titled, embedded and submitted each illustration as a separate Word-Document.
Tables: Should be numbered and titled and included into the manuscript text file.
References: Please use APA 7th edition style. Reference examples, including in text citations, are available at APA style
Author Guidelines
File format: Manuscripts can be submitted in one of the following formats: DOC, DOCX, or RTF. SOL strongly recommend using the official manuscript sample file. This will ensure that the submission will meet SOL’s formatting requirements and, in case of acceptance, will facilitate the preparation of galley proof.Length: There are no restrictions on word count or number of figures and tables. Nevertheless, SOL encourages authors to present and discuss their findings concisely.
Title page: It should include the article type (e.g. Original Research, Review, Commentary, etc.), the title, the list of authors and full affiliations (e.g., Department, Institution, City, Country). It should also include name and contact details of the Corresponding Author.
Layout and spacing: The manuscript should include page numbers and continuous line numbers. The text should be double-spaced.
Sections and other elements: The manuscript should include an abstract (max. 300 words), a list of keywords (max. 5) and should be divided into different sections (e.g., Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion). The manuscript can also include conclusions and acknowledgements.
Headings: Manuscript sections and sub-sections should not include more than three heading levels.
Abbreviations: Abbreviations should be defined upon first appearance in the text.
Tables and Figures: Tables should be included in the manuscript’s file and not submitted separately. Tables should have a title and should be presented after the paragraph in which they are first cited. Figures should be submitted as separated files. Figures caption should appear in the manuscript after the paragraph in which they are first cited.
Reference style: SOL uses APA 7th edition style. Reference examples, including in text citations, are available at APA style.
Submission Fees
Currently, no submission or publication fees are charged.Copyrights

All publications in Suicidology Online are licensed under a Creative Commons-License.
Authors of SOL accept the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).
According to this license copyrights of SOL-manuscripts belong to the authors unless otherwise requested.
According to the fair use definition online published manuscripts should be distributed with reference to