Articles (current year)
2021 (vol. 12)

David Lester
Suicidology Online 2021; 12(1), 12-13.

David Lester
Suicidology Online 2021; 12(1), 7-11.

Veesta Mavandadi, Stephen P. Lewis
Suicidology Online 2021; 12(1), 1-6.
2020 (vol. 11)

Cleonice Zatti, Sérgio Eduardo Silva de Oliveira, Luciano Santos Pinto Guimarães, Lucia Helena Machado Freitas
Suicidology Online 2020; 11(1), 59-61.

Rivka T. Cohen, Michelle Schoenleber, Kim L. Gratz, and Matthew T. Tull
Suicidology Online 2020; 11(1), 53-58.

William Feigelman, Daisuke Kawashima, Yoshiki Koga, Kenji Kawano, Julie Cerel
Suicidology Online 2020; 11(1), 41-52.

Marc Eric S. Reyes, Roger D. Davis, Cyrille Ann Patrice Q. Chua, Gabrielle L. Olaveria, Louise Jenri E. Pamintuan, Ma. Katrina B. Serrano, Joshua Lou Erik C. Tan
Suicidology Online 2020; 11(1), 29-40.

Dana Alonzo
Suicidology Online 2020; 11(1), 19-28.

David Lester
Suicidology Online 2020; 11(1), 16-18.

David Lester
Suicidology Online 2020; 11(1), 13-15.

Shahnaz Savani, Robin Edward Gearing, Yuri Frantsuz, Maria Sozinova
Suicidology Online 2020; 11(1), 1-12.
2019 (vol. 10)

Steven Cokro, Benny Prawira
Suicidology Online 2019;10:12.

Jemaima Tiatia-Seath, Roy Lay-Yee, Martin von Randow
Suicidology Online 2019;10:11.

Sara Malta Vacas, Ana Rita Carvalho, Cláudia Mota Pinto, Catarina Klut, Maria João Heitor
Suicidology Online 2019;10:10.

Marc Eric S. Reyes, Roger D. Davis, Ariane Melisa D. Rojales, Christian Paulo R. Zamora, Denielle F. Germodo, Lea Rizza V. Lanuza, Ann Nicole R. Manahan
Suicidology Online 2019;10:9.

Angeli Charmaine C. Tan, Marc Eric S. Reyes, Roger D. Davis
Suicidology Online 2019;10:8.

Opakunle Tolulope, Aloba Olutayo, Suleiman Babatunde, Akinsulore Adesanmi
Suicidology Online 2019;10:7.

Nasar Khan, Arab Naz, Waseem Khan, Waqar Shahzad, Ayesha Gul
Suicidology Online 2019;10:6.

Jennifer Weniger and Brian Distelberg
Suicidology Online 2019;10:5.

Israel Oron
Suicidology Online 2019;10:4.

Sharon Mallon, Karen Galway, Janeet Rondon-Sulbaran, Lynette Hughes, Gerry Leavey
Suicidology Online 2019;10:3.

D. Vincent Riordan
Suicidology Online 2019;10:2.

Christian Thorsten Callisen
Suicidology Online 2019; 10:1.
2018 (vol. 9)

Yerko Rojas
Suicidology Online 2018;9:5.

Ardavan Khoshnood
Suicidology Online 2018;9:4.

Chris G. Caulkins
Suicidology Online 2018;9:3.

David Lester
Suicidology Online 2018;9:2.

Maria Timm
Suicidology Online 2018;9:1.
Patrizia Zeppegno & Carla Gramaglia
Suicidology Online 2017; 8 (2):1-91. -
An Insight to the Sociological Explanation of Suicide: A Perspective Based Article
Nasar Khan, Arab Naz, Waseem Khan
Suicidology Online 2017;8:27. -
Stigma Burden as a Predictor of Suicidal Behavior among Lesbians and Gays in the Philippines
Marc Eric S. Reyes, Roger D. Davis, Alyson Jane A. David, Camille Joy C. Del Rosario, Anna Patricia S. Dizon, Julienne Lara M. Fernandez, Michaela A. Viquiera
Suicidology Online 2017; 8:26. -
Exploring the conceptual overlap of the cognitive and affective theories of suicide
Leo D. DeBroeck, Kayleen Islam-Zwart, Keely Hope, Stacey Chay
Suicidology Online 2017; 8:25. -
The Relationship between Internalizing and Externalizing Symptomatology and Parent/Adolescent Suicide Report Concordance: Implications for Prevention and Clinical Practice
Mary A. LeCloux, Stacey Culp, Kimberly H.M. O’Brien, Jennifer C. Wolff, Lucia Andrade
Suicidology Online 2017; 8:24. -
Relations Between Dependency, Negative Affects, Interpersonal Difficulties and Self-injury
Sacha Daelman, Geneviève Bloch-Torrico, Jean Gagnon
Suicidology Online 2017; 8:23. -
Expressed Emotion and Recurrence of Suicidal Behaviors: Review, Conceptual Model, and Recommendations
Kristen M. Ruscio, Victoria A. Colborn, Christina L. Yang, Kari R. Koss, Laura L. Neely, Jamie T. Carreno, Jessica M. LaCroix, Marjan Ghahramanlou-Holloway
Suicidology Online 2017; 8:22. -
Could a focus on trauma exposure improve the identification of patients at particularly high risk of suicide?
Rita Fjeldsted, Thomas William Teasdale
Suicidology Online 2017; 8:21. -
“You Have To Be Healthy And Resourceful To Be Seriously Ill” An Open-Ended Question Study Of Patients Experiences Of Care After Deliberate Self-Poisoning
Grimholt TK, Haavet OR, Jacobsen D, Reitan H, Ekeberg Ø
Suicidology Online 2017; 8:20. -
Effect of treatment on patients in preventive suicidal care in Denmark – a 20-year follow-up
Lind BD, Wiberg-Larsen P, Stenager EN
Suicidology Online 2017; 8:19. -
Validity and Reliability of a Proxy-Rated Measure of Traditional Masculinity: A Tool For Case-Control and Psychological Autopsy Studies
Daniel Coleman, Michelle Paggi
Suicidology Online 2017; 8:18. -
Suicidal Attempts And Deaths (Behavior) In Kolkata Metro; A Record Based Descriptive Study
Shatanik Mondal, Rivu Basu, Abhishek Paul, Suresh Chandra Malick, Partha Saha, Somdipta Bhattacharya
Suicidology Online 2017; 8:16. -
Zoltán Rihmer
Suicidology Online 2017; 8:1-64. -
Recognition and treatment of suicidal adults - A SWOT analysis of the present status of our knowledge
Zoltán Rihmer
Suicidology Online 2017;8:6. -
Patrizia Zeppegno & Carla Gramaglia
Suicidology Online 2016; 7:1-73. -
Marco Sarchiapone
Suicidology Online 2015; 6 (2):1-92. -
Marco Sarchiapone & Marianna D'Aulerio
Suicidology Online 2015; 6:1-81. -
Marco Sarchiapone & Zoltán Rihmer
Suicidology Online 2014; 5:1-81. -
Those who jumped from the Twin Towers on 9/11: Suicides or not?
David Lester
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:117-120. -
The “Inevitable Suicide Paradigm” and the Notion of “Lasting and Unbearable Mental Suffering which Cannot Be Alleviated” under the Belgian Euthanasia Act (2002)
Karolina Krysinska & Karl Andriessen
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:114-116. -
Suicide and the Drama of Self-consciousness
Siri Hustvedt
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:105-113. -
Efforts to Decriminalize Suicide in Ghana, India and Singapore
Deborah L. Kahn & David Lester
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:96-104. -
Job Stress and Suicidal Ideation in Irish Female General Practitioners
John Connolly, Anne Cullen & David Lester
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:92-95. -
Violence against women and suicide in the context of migration: A review of the literature and a call for action
Erminia Colucci & Amanda Heredia Montesinos
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:81-91. -
Precipitating and risk factors for suicidal behaviour among immigrant and ethnic minority women in Europe: A systematic review
Amanda Heredia Montesinos, Andreas Heinz, Meryam Schouler-Ocak, Marion Christina Aichberger
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:60-80. -
Reply to: Without hope, no future
Benjamin Sadock
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:58-59. -
Without hope, no future: Why an “inevitable suicide paradigm“ is inappropriate for psychiatric practice
Martin Voracek & Thomas Niederkrotenthaler
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:56-57. -
Influence of Emotions on Executive Functions in Suicide Attempters
Luis Miguel Sánchez Loyo, Eduardo Salvador Martínez-Velázquez & Julieta Ramos-Loyo
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:42-55. -
Suicidal Ideation in Police Officers: Exploring an Additional Measure
John M. Violanti, Anna Mnatsakanova & Michael E. Andrew
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:33-41. -
Emptiness and suicidal behavior: an exploratory review
Hilario Blasco-Fontecilla, Victoria de León-Martínez, David Delgado-Gomez, Lucas Giner, Sebastien Guillaume, Philippe Courtet
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:21-32. -
An Essay on Loss of Self versus Escape from Self in Suicide: Illustrative Cases from Diaries left by those who died by Suicide
David Lester
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:16-20. -
Forgotten founder: Harry Marsh Warren and the history and legacy of the Save-A-Life League
David N. Miller & Kaitlin Gould
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:12-15. -
Suicidal thoughts and attitudes towards suicide among medical and psychology students in Greece
Katerina Kavalidou
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:4-11. -
Suicidology Online: Past, Present and Future
Heidi Hjelmeland & Nestor D. Kapusta
Suicidology Online 2013; 4:1-3. -
Attempted Suicide Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Depression – An Exploratory Study
Birgit Bill, Lina Ipsch, Susanne Lucae, Hildegard Pfister, Markos Maragkos, Marcus Ising, Thomas Bronisch
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:138-144. -
A Comparison of Suicide Characteristics and Precipitating Circumstances by Age Group Among Maryland Residents: Data from the Maryland Violent Death Reporting System, 2003-2009
Thomas Manion, Adebola Akinyemi, Ismail Nooraddini, Elizabeth Haile
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:131-137. -
Perceptions of Suicide Risk and Coping in Latino and White Adolescents and Young Adults:
A Pilot Study Informing Suicide Prevention Efforts
Carolyn Garcia, David A. Klingbeil, Kristina Reigstad, Alaa Houri, Chih-Yuan S. Lee, Yoonhee Sung, Emma Hamilton, Bonnie Klimes-Dougan
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:124-130. -
The Role of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Childhood Gender
Nonconformity, Self-Esteem and Parental Attachment in Predicting
Suicide Ideation and Attempts in Turkish Young Adults
Mehmet Eskin
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:114-123. -
Suicidal expressions among the Swedish reindeer-herding Sami population
Niclas Kaiser, Ellinor Salander Renberg
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:102-113. -
An Ecological Approach to Preventing Suicide Using the National Violent Death Reporting System and County Level Health Status Data
Sabrina Walsh, Richard Charnigo
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:92-101. -
Attempted suicide in Fiji
Connie Henson, Alan Taylor, Joanne Cohen, Alita Q. Waqabaca, Saral Chand
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:83-91. -
A Protocol Analysis of the Reasons for Living Scale Items with a Sample of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Adults
Karmen M. Garrett, Charles A. Waehler, James R. Rogers
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:72-82. -
Protective Functions of Religious Traditions for Suicide Risk
Graham Nelson, Ryan Hanna, Alaa Houri, Bonnie Klimes-Dougan
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:59-71. -
Gaia, Suicide and Suicide Prevention
David Lester
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:51-58. -
Youth Suicide as a “Wild” Problem: Implications for Prevention Practice
Jennifer White
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:42-50. -
Predictors of suicidal ideation among depressed inpatients in a Malaysian sample
Chan Lai Fong, Shamsul Azhar Shah & Thambu Maniam
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:33-41. -
The Neurobiology of Non-suicidal Self-injury (NSSI): A review
Rebecca C. Groschwitz & Paul L. Plener
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:24-32. -
Alcohol Use and Suicidal Behaviors among Adults: A Synthesis and Theoretical Model
Dorian A. Lamis & Patrick S. Malone
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:4-23. -
Non-suicidal Self-injury and Suicide Risk Assessment, quo vadis DSM-V?
Nestor D. Kapusta
Suicidology Online 2012; 3:1-3. -
Rumpelstiltskin Suicide
John T. Maltsberger & Elsa F. Ronningstam
Suicidology Online 2011; 2:80-88. -
The Presentation of the Self: An Hypothesis about Suicide Notes
Bijou Yang & David Lester
Suicidology Online 2011; 2:75-79. -
Alcohol consumption and suicide rates in Russia
Yury E. Razvodovsky
Suicidology Online 2011; 2:67-74. -
Female Suicide Bombers: Clues from Journalists
David Lester
Suicidology Online 2011; 2:62-66. -
Suicide Misclassification in an International Context: Revisitation and Update
Ian R.H. Rockett, Nestor D. Kapusta, Ruchi Bhandari
Suicidology Online 2011; 2:48-61. -
Subjective Symptoms Related to Suicide Risk in Japanese Male Police Officers
Kouichi Yoshimasu, Jin Fukumoto, Shigeki Takemura, Maki Shiozaki, Hiroichi Yamamoto, Kazuhisa Miyashita
Suicidology Online 2011; 2:38-47. -
Looking Beyond the Qualitative and Quantitative Divide: Narrative, Ethics and Representation in Suicidology
Scott Fitzpatrick
Suicidology Online 2011; 2:29-37. -
I Keep My Problems to Myself: Pathways to Suicide Attempts in Nicaraguan Young Men
Claudia María Obando Medina, Kjerstin Dahlblom, Lars Dahlgren, Andres Herrera, Gunnar Kullgren
Suicidology Online 2011; 2:17-28. -
Reasons for Committing Suicide in South Korean University Students
B.C. Ben Park, Jung Jin Kim, David Lester
Suicidology Online 2011; 2:11-16. -
Methodology in suicidological research - contribution to the debate
Heidi Hjelmeland & Birthe Loa Knizek
Suicidology Online 2011; 2:8-10. -
Alcohol consumption and suicide in Belarus, 1980-2005
Yury E. Razvodovsky
Suicidology Online 2011; 2:1-7. -
Brief intervention for deliberate self harm: an exploratory study
Vojna Tapolaa, Raimo Lappalainen, Jarl Wahlström
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:95-108. -
Revitalizing Suicidology: A call for mixed methods designs
James R. Rogers & Sharon Apel
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:92-94. -
Is There an Economic Argument for Suicide Prevention? A Response to Doessel and Williams
Bijou Yang & David Lester
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:88-91. -
Attitudes towards suicide among regional politicians in Lithuania, Austria, Hungary, Norway and Sweden
Paulius Skruibis, Danute Gailiene, Heidi Hjelmeland, Reinhold Fartacek, Sandor Fekete, Birthe Loa Knizek, Peter Osvath, Ellinor Salander Renberg, Rudolf R. Rohrer
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:79-87. -
Qualitative Research in Suicidology: Thoughts on Hjelmeland and Knizeky "Why We Need Qualitative Research in Suicidology"
David Lester
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:76-78. -
The Economics Argument for a Policy of Suicide Prevention
Darrel P. Doessel & Ruth F.G. Williams
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:66-75. -
Self-Harm and its Link to Peer and Dating Violence among Adolescents in a High-Risk Urban Community
Monica H. Swahn, Bina Ali, Robert M. Bossarte, Manfred Van Dulmen, Alex Crosby, Tara Strine, Sarah Raskin
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:53-65. -
Cultural Research in Suicidology: Challenges and Opportunities
Heidi Hjelmeland
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:34-52. -
Lay Theories of Suicide in Turkish and American Students
Sevginar Vatan, Faruk Gençöz, Rheeda Walker, David Lester
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:28-33. -
Suicide in Mass Murderers and Serial Killers
David Lester
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:19-27. -
Edwin S. Shneidman on Suicide
Antoon A. Leenaars
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:5-18. -
Suicide and the Partition of India: A Need for Further Investigation
David Lester
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:2-4. -
Suicidology Online: An Invitation
Suicidology Online 2010; 1:1.